Our services


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The Department of Medicine website services offers tailored websites to meet the needs of UW departments, divisions, and units.

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We develop websites to serve the needs of both visitors to the website and the staff responsible for managing content. We intentionally designed the system to be edited by people without any technical knowledge or experience.


Our services are free to most Department of Medicine units, including divisions, centers, education programs, etc. (50% or more of the leadership of the program/center/unit need to be based in the Department of Medicine to qualify for our free services).

We are open to other UW groups (for a fee). Please contact us to discuss your project, and we will discuss whether we might be a good fit for you.


Key features

Easy editing

Users don't need in-depth technical skill, sites are quick and easy to manage.

Content advice

Our team has extensive experience with navigation and website content.

Robust support

We provide continued training as well as a robust how-to resource.

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Intentionally and mindfully designed for users with disabilities.


The sites automatically adapt to any device and are fully mobile compatible.


Our theme is beautiful, modern, and offers a seamless user experience.

Additional features

In addition the key features listed above, each site is built with the following features as part of the system:

  • Immersive news experience
  • Appealing and visual people directory
  • Google Analytics & search support
  • YouTube videos, Google maps, and Trumba calendars
  • Automatic software and security updates
  • Content and navigation guidance
  • Custom website icons, graphics, and wordmarks

Out of scope



Mackenzie Keyse can help initiate the creation of UW SharePoint sites

Our website services do not extended to sites for content specific to internal audiences or intranets. 

We encourage teams to investigate UW-IT supported tools like SharePoint Online (with OneDrive) and Google Drive for managing private documents. These services allow you to restrict access by UW NetID or UW Groups memberships.

Our team can help facilitate the creation of a UW SharePoint site for Department of Medicine units, however we do not support content maintenance or oversight.

Lab sites

We currently do not host lab websites. We recommend asking your division if your lab's work may be posted to the research section of the main division site. If not, we can help initiate a UW SharePoint site to host your lab website. 

HIPPA, FERPA & Protected content

We do not host or allow HIPPA, FERPA, or other protected content on our websites. Please familiarize yourself with UW's terms of use that governs all websites and online services.